Ing. Jaroslav Chum, Ph.D.
Oddělení: |
Oddělení ionosféry a aeronomie |
Funkce: |
Zástupce vedoucího oddělení |
Pracovní zařazení: |
Vedoucí vědecký pracovník |
E-mail: |
Telefon: |
+420 267 103 056 |
Místnost: |
G317 |
- 1989 Ing., Technická kybernetika, Elektrotechnická fakulta ČVUT, Praha
- 2004 Ph.D., Fyzika plazmatu, katedra fyziky, Elektrotechnická fakulta ČVUT, Praha
Zaměstnání a výuka:
Pracovní odborná činnost:
Techniké (inženýrské aktivity):
Návrh a vývoj elektronických subsystémů družic Magion-4 a Magion-5 (analogový dekodér povelů, sluneční senzor, infračervený senzor Země, elektronika a program pro určení orientace družice, frame grabber pro kameru). Po éře Magionů (cca od roku 2000) vývoj nového digitálního slunečního čidla pro nové družice, vývoj pozemních měřicích přístrojů (měření množství námrazy, rosy) a spoluúčast na vývoji Dopplerovského systému pro měření pohybů v ionosféře.
Vědecká činnost
Od roku 2001 postupně zapojen do vědeckého výzkumu, který v současnosti převažuje.
Jaroslav Chum se zabývá fyzikou plazmatu blízkého okolí Země, zaměřuje se převážně na šíření vln v magnetosféře a ionosféře Země. Okruhy jeho zájmu jsou zejména:
- Hvizdové vlny vybuzené blesky
- Emise typu Chorus
- Geomagnetické pulzace
- Atmosférické gravitační vlny a infrazvuk v zemské atmosféře a ionosféře.
- Atmosférická elektřina a kosmické záření
J. Chum je autorem více než 80 publikací v mezinárodních recenzovaných časopisech.
Další informace:
- člen atestační a knihovní komise
- od roku 2012 člen Rady ústavu
- SAV-23-02, Bilaterální spolupráce, Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS SAV-23-02 , Study of dynamics at the interface between space and the Earth’s atmosphere, 2023-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- ESA 4000138792/22/NL/MH/jxh , ESA-SOVA, 2023-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- AV ČR CONICET-22-02 - AV ČR - Argentina project , Multi-instrument investigation of ionospheric perturbations, 2022-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- SAV-21-01, Bilaterální spolupráce, Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS , Atmospheric electric field and dynamics of charged particles and secondary cosmic rays in high mountains, 2021-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- ESA 4000126708/19/NL/IA , ILGEW - Investigating Lightning Generated ELF Whistlers to Improve Ionospheric Models, 2019-2020, řešitel (ÚFA): Truhlík Vladimír, tým: Obrazová, D.; Chum, J.
- GA ČR GA18-01969S , Atmosférické vlny: dynamika a vazby mezi vrstvami, 2018-2021, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- SAV-18-04, Bilaterální spolupráce, Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS , Atmospheric electricity and secondary cosmic radiation, 2018-2021, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- GC15-07281J , Jevy spojující neutrální a ionizovanou atmosféru, 2015–2017, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- GA ČR. GA205/09/1253 , Elektromagnetické jevy spojující troposféru, mezosféru, ionosféru a magnetosféru, 2009-2013, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav
- Liu, J. Y., Rajesh, P.K., Liao, Y.-A., Chum, J., Kan, K.-W., Lee, I-T., 2024: Airglow observed by a full-band imager together with multi-instruments in Taiwan during nighttime of 1 November 2021, Advances in Space Research, 73, 1, 663-671
- Karapetyan, T., Chilingarian, A., Hovsepyan, G., Martoyan, H., Sargsyan, B., Langer, R., Chum, J., (...), Ploc, O., Šlegl, J., Kákona, M., Ambrožová, I., 2024: The Forbush decrease observed by the SEVAN particle detector network in the 25th solar activity cycle, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 262, 106305
- Chum, J., Langer, R., Kolmašová, I., Lhotka, O., Rusz, J., Strhárský, I., 2024: Solar cycle signatures in lightning activity, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 16, 9119-9130
- Mošna, Z., Barta, V., Berényi, K. A., Mielich, J., Verhulst, T., Kouba, D., Urbář, J., Chum, J., Koucká Knížová, P., Marew, H., Podolská, K., Bojilova, R., 2024: The March and April 2023 ionospheric storms over Europe, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 22, 1462160
- Koucká Knížová, P., Potužníková, K., Podolská, K., Šindelářová, T., Bozóki, T., Setvák, M., Pásztor, M., Szárnya, Cs., Mošna, Z., Kouba, D., Chum, J., Zacharov, P., jr., Buzás, A., Hanzlíková, H., Kozubek, M., Burešová, D., Bozsó, I., Berényi, K. A., Barta, V., 2024: Impacts of Storm “Zyprian” on Middle and Upper Atmosphere Observed from Central European Stations, Remote Sensing, 16, 22, 4338
- Chum, J., Šindelářová, T., Koucká Knížová, P., Podolská, K., Rusz, J., Baše, J., Nakata, H., (...), Laštovička, J., Obrazová, D. Kouba, D., Urbář, J., Truhlík, V., 2023: Atmospheric and ionospheric waves induced by the Hunga eruption on 15 January 2022. Doppler sounding and infrasound, Geophysical Journal International, 233, 2, 1429-1443
- Szárnya, Cs., Chum, J., Podolská, K., Kouba, D., Koucká Knížová, P., Mošna, Z., Barta, V., 2023: Multi-instrumental detection of a fireball during Leonids of 2019, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1197832
- Koucká Knížová, P., Potužníková, K., Podolská, K., Hannawald, P., Mošna, Z., Kouba, D., Chum, J., Wüst, S., Bittner, M., Kerum, J., 2023: Multi-instrumental observation of mesoscale tropospheric systems in July 2021 with a potential impact on ionospheric variability in midlatitudes, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1197157
- Sejima, H., Hosokawa, K., Nakata, H., Chum, J., Lin, Ch.-H., Lin, J.-T., 2023: Simultaneous observations of equatorial plasma bubbles with an all-sky airglow imager and a HF Doppler sounding system in Taiwan, Earth, Planets and Space, 75, 156
- Haralambous, H., Guerra, M., Chum, J., Verhulst, T.G.W., Barta, V., Altadill, D., Cesaroni, C., Galkin, I., Kiszely, M., Mielich, J., Kouba, D., Burešová, D., Segarra, A., Spogli, L., Rusz, J., Zedník, J., 2023: Multi-Instrument Observations of Various Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by the 6 February 2023 Turkey Earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 128, 12, e2023JA031691
- Kikuchi, T., Araki, T., Hashimoto, K.K., (...), Chum, Jaroslav, Hosokawa, K., Tomizawa, I., Tanaka, Y., Kadokura, A., 2022: Instantaneous Achievement of the Hall and Pedersen–Cowling Current Circuits in Northern and Southern Hemispheres During the Geomagnetic Sudden Commencement on 12 May 2021, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9, 879314
další publikace- Šlegl, J., Langer, R., Brunclík, T., Mašek, P., Strhárský, I., Ambrožová, I., Chum, Jaroslav, Ploc, O., 2022: Spectrometry of high-energy photons on high mountain observaroty Lomnický štít during thunderstorms, Radiation Protesction Dosimetry, 198, 9-11, 623-627
- Bondár, I., Šindelářová, T., Ghica, D., Mitterbauer, U., Liashchuk, A., Baše, J., Chum, J., Czanik, C., Ionescu, C., Neagoe, C., Pasztor, M., Le Pichon, A., 2022: Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network: contribution to infrasound monitoring, Geophysical Journal International, 230, 1, 565-579
- Fagre, M., Zossi, B.S., Chum, Jaroslav, Yiğ,it, E., Elias, A. G., 2021: Comparative Study of Equatorial and High-Latitude Over-The-Horizon Radar Parameters Using Ray-Tracing Simulations, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18, 8976077
- Kikuchi, T., Chum, Jaroslav, Tomizawa, I., Hashimoto, K.K., Hosokawa, K., Ebihara, Y., Hozumi, K., Supnithi, P. , 2021: Penetration of the electric fields of the geomagnetic sudden commencement over the globe as observed with the HF Doppler sounders and magnetometers, Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 10
- Chilingarian, A., Karapetyan, T., Zazyan, M., Hovsepyan, G., Sargysan, B., Nikolova, N., Angelov, H., Chum, Jaroslav, Langer, R., 2021: Maximum strength of the atmospheric electric field, Physical Review D, 103, 4, 043021
- Chum, Jaroslav, Podolská, Kateřina, Rusz, Jan, Baše, Jiří, Tedoradze, Nikolai, 2021: Statistical investigation of gravity wave characteristics in the ionosphere, Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 60
- Rusz, Jan, Chum, Jaroslav, Baše, Jiří, 2021: Locating Thunder Source Using a Large-Aperture Micro-Barometer Array, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 614820
- Podolská, K., Koucká Knížová, P., Chum, J., Kozubek, M., Burešová, D., 2021: Analysis of Relationship Between Ionospheric and Solar Parameters Using Graphical Models, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA029063
- Šindelářová, T., De Carlo, M., Czanik, C., Ghica, D., Kozubek, M., Podolská, K., Baše, J., Chum, J., Mitterbauer, U., 2021: Infrasound signature of the post-tropical storm Ophelia at the Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 217, 105603
- Koucká Knížová, P., Laštovička, J., Kouba, D., Mošna, Z., Podolská, K., Potužníková, K., Šindelářová, T., Chum, J., Rusz, J., 2021: Ionosphere Influenced From Lower-Lying Atmospheric Regions, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 651445
- Chum, Jaroslav, Kollárik, M., Kolmašová, Ivana, Langer, R., Rusz, Jan, Saxonbergová, Dana, Strhárský, I., 2021: Influence of Solar Wind on Secondary Cosmic Rays and Atmospheric Electricity, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 671801
- Mošna, Zbyšek, Kouba, Daniel, Koucká Knížová, Petra, Burešová, Dalia, Chum, Jaroslav, Šindelářová, Tereza, Urbář, Jaroslav, Boška, Josef, Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana, 2020: Ionospheric storm of September 2017 observed at ionospheric station Pruhonice, the Czech Republic, Advances in Space Research, 65, 1, 115-128
- Chum, Jaroslav, Langer, R., Baše, Jiří, Kollárik, M., Strhárský, I., Diendorfer, G., Rusz, Jan, 2020: Significant enhancements of secondary cosmic rays and electric field at the high mountain peak of Lomnický Štít in High Tatras during thunderstorms, Earth, Planets and Space, 72
- Fagre, M., Zossi, B.S., Chum, Jaroslav, Elias, A. G., 2020: Simulated high frequency ray paths considering traveling ionospheric disturbances, SN Applied Sciences, 2
- Hashimoto, K.K., Kikuchi, T., Tomizawa, I., Hosokawa, K., Chum, J., Burešová, D., Nose, M., Koga, K., 2020: Penetration electric fields observed at middle and low latitudes during the 22 June 2015 geomagnetic storm, Earth, Planets and Space, 72, 71
- Belehaki, A., Tsagouri, I., Altadill, D., Blanch, E., Borries, C., Burešová, Dalia, Chum, Jaroslav, Galkin, I., Juan, J.M., Segarra, A., Timote, C.C., Tziotziou, K., Verhulst, T.G.W., Watermann, J., 2020: An overview of methodologies for real-time detection, characterisation and tracking of traveling ionospheric disturbances developed in the TechTIDE project, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 10, 42
- Liu, J. Y., Yang, S.S., Rajesh, P.K., Sun, Y.Y., Chum, Jaroslav, Pan, C.J., Chu, Y.H., Chao, C.K., Chang, L.C. , 2019: Ionospheric Response to the 21 May 2012 Annular SolarEclipse Over Taiwan, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 5, 3623-3636
- Liu, J-Y., Chen, Ch-Y., Sun, Y. Y., Lee, I-T., Chum, Jaroslav, 2019: Fluctuations on vertical profiles of the ionospheric electron density perturbed by the March 11, 2011 M9.0 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, GPS Solutions, 23, 3, 76
- Fagre, M., Zossi, B.S., Chum, Jaroslav, Yigit, E., Elias, A. G., 2019: Ionospheric high frequency wave propagation using different IRI hmF2 and foF2 models, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 196, 105141
- Nicoll, K.A., Harrison, R.G., Barta, V., Bór, J., Brugge, R., Chillingarian, A., Chum, Jaroslav, Georgoulias, A.K., Guha, A., Kourtidis, K., Kubicki, M., Mareev, E., Matthews, J., Mkrtchyan, H., Odzimek, A., Raulin, J.-P., Robert, D., Silva, H.G., Tacza, J., Yair, Y., Yaniv, R., 2019: A global atmospheric electricity monitoring network for climate and geophysical research, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 184, 18-29
- Mošna, Zbyšek; Boška, Josef; Koucká Knížová, Petra; Šindelářová, Tereza; Kouba, Daniel; Chum, Jaroslav; Rejfek, Luboš; Potužníková, Kateřina; Arikan, F.; Toker, C., 2018: Observation of the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 at the Pruhonice station, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 171, 277-284
- Blanc, E., Ceranna, L., Hauchecorne, A., Charlton-Perez, A., Marchetti, E., Evers, L.G., Kvaerna, T., Laštovička, Jan, Eliasson, L., Crosby, N. B., Blanc-Benon, P., Le Pichon, A., Brachet, N., Pilger, C., Keckhut, P., Assink, J.D., Smets, P. S. M., Lee, C. F., Kero, J., Šindelářová, Tereza, Kämpfer, N., Rüfenacht, R., Farges, T., Millet, C., Näsholm, S. P., Gibbons, S. J., Espy, P. J., Hibbins, R. E., Heinrich, P., Ripepe, M., Khaykin, S., Mze, N., Chum, Jaroslav, 2018: Toward an Improved Representation of Middle Atmospheric Dynamics Thanks to the ARISE Project, Surveys in Geophysics, 39, 2, 171-225
- Chum, Jaroslav, Liu, J.-Y., Podolská, Kateřina, Šindelářová, Tereza, 2018: Infrasound in the ionosphere from earthquakes and typhoons, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 171, Special Issue, 72-82
- Kouba, Daniel, Chum, Jaroslav, 2018: Ground-based measurements of ionospheric dynamics, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8, A29
- Šindelářová, Tereza, Mošna, Zbyšek, Chum, Jaroslav, Kouba, Daniel, Baše, Jiří, Liu, J. Y., Katamzi-Joseph, Z., 2018: Solar eclipse effects in the ionosphere observed by continuous Doppler sounding, Advances in Space Research, 62, 4, 785-800
- Chum, Jaroslav, Podolská, Kateřina, 2018: 3D analysis of GW propagation in the ionosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 21, 11562-11571
- Chum, Jaroslav, Urbář, Jaroslav, Laštovička, Jan, Cabrera, M. A., Liu, J.-Y., Bonomi, F. A. M., Fagre, M., Fišer, Jiří, Mošna, Zbyšek, 2018: Continuous Doppler sounding of the ionosphere during solar flares, Earth, Planets and Space, 70 , 198
- Barta, V.; Haldoupis, C.; Sátori, G.; Burešová, Dalia; Chum, Jaroslav; Pozoga, M.; Berényi, K. A.; Bór, J.; Popek, Martin; Kis, Á.; Bencze, P., 2017: Searching for effects caused by thunderstorms in midlatitude sporadic E layers, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics , 161, August, 150-159
- Laštovička, Jan; Chum, Jaroslav, 2017: A review of results of the international ionospheric Doppler sounder network, Advances in Space Research, 44, 16, 8186-8172
- Kudela, Karel; Chum, Jaroslav; Kollárik, M.; Langer, R.; Strhárský, I.; Baše, Jiří, 2017: Correlations Between Secondary Cosmic Ray Ratesand Strong Electric Fields at Lomnický štít, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , 122, 20, 10,700–10,710
- Fišer, Jiří, Chum, Jaroslav, Liu, J. Y., 2017: Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over Taiwan observed with HF Doppler sounding, Earth Planets and Space, 69, 1, 131
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Liu, J.-Y. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Fišer, Jiří ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Baše, Jiří ; Sun, Y.-Y., 2016: Ionospheric signatures of the April 25, 2015 Nepal earthquake and the relative role of compression and advection for Doppler sounding of infrasound in the ionosphere, Earth, Planets and Space, 68, 24
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Liu, J.-Y. ; Chen, S.-P. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Baše, Jiří ; Burešová, Dalia ; Fišer, Jiří ; Hruška, František ; Ezquer, R., 2016: Spread F occurrence and drift under the crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly from continuous Doppler sounding and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC scintillation data, Earth, Planets and Space, 68, 56
- Liu, J. Y. ; Chen, C. H. ; Sun, Y. Y. ; Chen, C. H. ; Tsai, H. F. ; Yen, H. Y. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Laštovička, Jan ; Yang, Q. S. ; Chen, S. W. ; Wen, S., 2016: The vertical propagation of disturbances triggered by seismic waves of the 11 March 2011 M9.0 Tohoku earthquake over Taiwan, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 4 , 1759-1765
- Šindelářová, Tereza; Kozubek, Michal; Chum, Jaroslav; Potužníková, Kateřina, 2016: Seasonal and diurnal variability of pressure fluctuation in the infrasound frequency range observed in the Czech microbarograph network, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 60, 4, 747-762
- Chum, Jaroslav; Cabrera, M. A.; Mošna, Zbyšek; Fagre, M.; Baše, Jiří; Fišer, Jiří, 2016: Nonlinear acoustic waves in the viscous thermosphere and ionosphere above earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 12, 126–137
- Krasnov, V. M. ; Drobzheva, Ya. V. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2015: Far-field coseismic ionospheric disturbances of Tohoku earthquake, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 135, December, 12–21
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Skripniková, Kateřina ; Baše, Jiří, 2015: Atmospheric infrasound observed during intense convective storms on 9-10 July 2011, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, -, 122, 66-74
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Bonomi, F. A. M. ; Fišer, Jiří ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Ezquer, R. G. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Laštovička, Jan ; Baše, Jiří ; Hruška, František ; Molina, M. G. ; Ise, J. E. ; Cangemi, J. I. ; Šindelářová, Tereza, 2014: Propagation of gravity waves and spread F in the low-latitude ionosphere over Tucumán, Argentina, by continuous Doppler sounding: First results, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 8, 6954-6965
- Fišák, Jaroslav ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Vojta, Jaroslav ; Bartůňková, Kristýna, 2013: Automatic Monitoring of the Amount of Deposited Precipitation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, 2, 670-676
- Habarulema, J. B. ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Zhang, Y. ; Seemala, G. ; Ngwira, Ch. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Opperman, B., 2013: A comparative study of TEC response for the African equatorial and mid-latitudes during storm conditions, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, 105-114
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Diendorfer, G. ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Baše, Jiří ; Hruška, František, 2013: Infrasound pulses from lightning and electrostatic field changes: Observation and discussion, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 19, 50805/1-50805/12
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Athieno, R. ; Baše, Jiří ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hruška, František ; Laštovička, Jan ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Šindelářová, Tereza, 2012: Statistical investigation of horizontal propagation of gravity waves in the ionosphere over Europe and South Africa, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, - , A03312/1-A03312/13
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Athieno, R., 2012: Observations of wave activity in the ionosphere over South Africa in geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods, Advances in Space Research, 50, 2, 182-195
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Zedník, Jan ; Laštovička, Jan, 2012: Ionospheric disturbances (infrasound waves) over the Czech Republic excited by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, - , A08319/1
- Shklyar, D. R. ; Storey, L. R. O. ; Chum, J. ; Jiříček, F. ; Němec, F. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, O. ; Titova, E. E., 2012: Spectral features of lightning-induced ion cyclotron waves at low latitudes: DEMETER observations and simulation, Spectral features of lightning-induced ion cyclotron waves at low latitudes: DEMETER observations and simulation, 117, -, A12206/1-A12206/16
- Krasnov, V. M. ; Drobzheva, Ya. V. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2011: Infrasonic waves in the ionosphere generated by a weak earthquake, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 13, 1930-1939
- Fišer, Jiří ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Diendorfer, G. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2010: Whistler intensities above thunderstorms, Annales Geophysicae, 28, 1, 37-46
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Laštovička, Jan ; Hruška, František ; Burešová, Dalia ; Baše, Jiří, 2010: Horizontal velocities and propagation directions of gravity waves in the ionosphere over the Czech Republic, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A11322/1-A11322/13
- Laštovička, Jan ; Baše, Jiří ; Hruška, František ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Horálek, Josef ; Zedník, Jan ; Krasnov, V., 2010: Simultaneous infrasonic, seismic, magnetic and ionospheric observations in an earthquake epicentre, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72, 16, 1231-1240
- Shklyar, D. R. ; Parrot, M. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Titova, E. E., 2010: On the origin of lower- and upper-frequency cutoffs on wedge-like spectrograms observed by DEMETER in the midlatitude ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A05203/1-A05203/12
- Breneman, A. W. ; Kletzing, C. A. ; Pickett, J. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2009: Statistics of multispacecraft observations of chorus dispersion and source location, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A06202/1-A06202/12
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M., 2009: Analysis of subprotonospheric whistlers observed by DEMETER: A case study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A02, A02307/1-A02307/17
- Santolík, Ondřej ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: The origin of plasmaspheric hiss, Science, 324, 5928, 729-730
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Burešová, Dalia ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Hejda, Pavel ; Bochníček, Josef, 2009: Ionospheric oscillations caused by geomagnetic Pi2 pulsations and their observations by multipoint continuous Doppler sounding; first results, Advances in Space Research, 44, 6, 667-676
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S., 2009: Oblique lower band chorus waves: Time shifts between discrete elements observed by the Cluster spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A00F02/1-A00F02/13
- Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2009: Oblique propagation of whistler mode waves in the chorus source region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A00F03/1-A00F03/12
- Santolík, O. ; Parrot, M. ; Inan, U. S. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: Propagation of unducted whistlers from their source lightning: a case study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03212/1-A03212/11
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František, 2009: Doppler observations of infrasonic waves of meteorological origin at ionospheric heights, Advances in Space Research, 43, 11
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: Observations of acoustic-gravity waves in the ionosphere generated by severe tropospheric weather, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 53, 3, 403-418
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Laštovička, Jan ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hruška, František, 2008: Peculiar transient phenomena observed by HF Doppler sounding on infrasound time scales, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, 866-878
- Jakowski, N. ; Stankov, S. M. ; Wilken, V. ; Borries, C. ; Altadill, D. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Burešová, Dalia ; Boška, Josef ; Šauli, Petra ; Hruška, František ; Cander, Lj. R., 2008: Ionospheric behaviour over Europe during the solar eclipse of 3 October 2005, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, 836-853
- Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2008: Propagation Spectrograms of Whistler-Mode Radiation from Lightning, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36, 4, 1166-1167
- Breneman, A. ; Kletzing, C. A. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. ; Pickett, J, 2007: Multispacecraft observations of chorus dispersion and source location, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, A5, A05221/1-A05221/8
- Burešová, Dalia ; Krasnov, Valerij Michailovič ; Drobzheva, Yana Viktorovna ; Laštovička, Jan ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František, 2007: Assessing the quality of ionogram interpretation using the HF Doppler technique, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 4
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Breneman, A. W. ; Kletzing, C. A. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S., 2007: Chorus source properties that produce time shifts and frequency range differences observed on different Cluster spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, A6, A06206/1-A06206/10
- Santolík, Ondřej ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Parrot, M. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2006: Propagation of whistler mode chorus to low altitudes: Spacecraft observations of structured ELF hiss, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A10, A10208/1-A10208/13
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Jiříček, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Diendorfer, G. ; Fišer, Jiří, 2006: Assigning the causative lightning to the whistlers observed on satellites, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 11, 2921-2929
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Jiříček, František ; Šmilauer, Jan, 2005: Nonducted propagation of chorus emissions and their observation, Planetary and Space Science, 53, 1-3, 307-315
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2005: Propagation of whistler-mode chorus to low altitudes: divergent ray trajectories and ground accessibility, Annales Geophysicae, 110, -, D10107/1/-D10107/11
- Tříska, Pavel ; Czapek, Alexandr ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Šimůnek, Jiří ; Šmilauer, Jan ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Vojta, Jaroslav, 2005: Space weather effects on the MAGION-4 and MAGION-5 solar cells, Annales Geophysicae, 23, -, 3111-3113