Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici
Inženýr/ka v oddělení ionosféry a aeronomie
Pracovní náplň:
- Hledáme zájemce o vývoj a údržbu přístrojů pro měření atmosféry a ionosféry, automatickou archivaci a prvotní zpracování/vizualizaci naměřených dat.
- Preferujeme vysokoškolské (případně středoškolské) elektrotechnické vzdělání. Zájemce by se měl orientovat v problematice hardwaru i softwaru a počítat s prací v kanceláři, laboratoři i na observatořích.
- Požadujeme rovněž základní znalost anglického jazyka.
- Řidičský průkaz B vítán.
Co vám můžeme nabídnout:
- Termín nástupu dle dohody.
- Úvazek 1,0
- První pracovní smlouvu na dobu určitou, následné prodloužení na dobu neurčitou.
- Zázemí stabilní vědecké společnosti a příjemné pracovní prostředí.
- Odpovídající finanční ohodnocení (platové zařazení podle mzdových pravidel AV ČR a pracovních výsledků).
- Flexibilní pracovní doba, 5 týdnů dovolené. stravování v areálu, stravenkový paušál, možnost půjčky ze sociálního fondu, příspěvek na rekreaci a volnočasové aktivity dětí, možnost umístit dítě do předškolního zařízení AV ČR, parkování v areálu.
Životopis posílejte elektronicky na tyto adresy:
- Ing. Jaroslav Chum, Ph.D., jachu@ufa.cas.cz
- RNDr. Jan Laštovička, DrSc., jla@ufa.cas.cz
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces (in accordance with Act No. 283/1992 Coll. on the Czech Academy of Sciences, as amended by Act No. 420/2005 Coll., and the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences) a selection procedure for the following positions of Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Space Physics:
- Ph.D. in physics or related disciplines, received in 2019 or later
- Demonstrated publication activity
- Experience in the relevant research field
- Active knowledge of the English language
The preferred topics include (but are not limited to):
- analysis of spacecraft measurements of electromagnetic waves and instabilities in plasmas of the Earth's or planetary magnetospheres or in the Solar wind
We offer:
- Start date: 1 November 2024 or later
- Full-time employment
- 2-year contract with a possibility of extension
- Opportunity to work on Cluster, Solar Orbiter, JUICE or other spacecraft projects
- Supportive scientific community and a pleasant working environment
- Competitive financial compensation (salary placement according to the wage regulations of the Czech Academy of Sciences and work results)
- Flexible working hours, 5 weeks of vacation, home office, meals in the area, meal allowance, loans from the social fund, contribution to recreation or leisure activities of children, possibility to place children in a pre-school facility of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, possibility of parking in the area
Candidates should submit:
- curriculum vitae with list of publications,
- short (1 page maximum) proposal of their work
- copy of their PhD diploma
Contact person for queries regarding applications: prof. RNDr. Ondřej Santolík, Dr., e-mail os@ufa.cas.cz
Applications should be sent to: postdocs@ufa.cas.cz
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2024
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces (in accordance with Act No. 283/1992 Coll. on the Czech Academy of Sciences, as amended by Act No. 420/2005 Coll., and the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences) a selection procedure for the following positions of Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Climatology:
- Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences, geophysics, physical geography, physics, or other relevant disciplines, received in 2019 or later
- Demonstrated publication activity
- Experience in the relevant research field
- Active knowledge of the English language
The preferred topics include (but are not limited to) studies of:
- development, validation, and application of stochastic weather generators targeted on analysis of potential climate change impacts
- innovative approaches to studies of climate extremes, including their relationships to atmospheric circulation in changing climate
- uncertainties of climate change projections and scenarios
- modelling of health / socio-economic risks related to climate change in Europe
- novel approaches to study atmospheric circulation and its effects on surface climate conditions
We offer:
- Start date: 1 November 2024 or later
- Full-time employment
- 2-year contract with a possibility of extension
- Supportive scientific community and a pleasant working environment
- Competitive financial compensation (salary placement according to the wage regulations of the Czech Academy of Sciences and work results)
- Flexible working hours, 5 weeks of vacation, home office, meals in the area, meal allowance, loans from the social fund, contribution to recreation or leisure activities of children, possibility to place children in a pre-school facility of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, possibility of parking in the area
Candidates should submit:
- curriculum vitae with list of publications,
- short (1 page maximum) proposal of their work
- copy of their PhD diploma
Contact person for queries regarding applications: Mgr. Romana Beranová, Ph.D., e-mail rber@ufa.cas.cz
Applications should be sent to: postdocs@ufa.cas.cz
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2024
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces (in accordance with Act No. 283/1992 Coll. on the Czech Academy of Sciences, as amended by Act No. 420/2005 Coll., and the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences) a selection procedure for the position of Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Meteorology:
- Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences, physical geography, geosciences, or other relevant disciplines, received in 2019 or later
- Demonstrated publication activity
- Experience in the relevant research field
- Active knowledge of the English language
The preferred topics include (but are not limited to) studies of:
- predictability of hazardous weather events using numerical weather prediction models
- detection of hazardous weather events using remote atmospheric sensing (satellites and radars in particular)
- utilization of artificial intelligence in specialized weather forecasts
- atmospheric conditions conducive to hazardous weather events using 3D analysis of meteorological fields in reanalyses and outputs from numerical weather prediction models
We offer:
- Start date: 1 November 2024 or later
- Full-time employment
- 2-year contract with a possibility of extension
- Supportive scientific community and a pleasant working environment
- Competitive financial compensation (salary placement according to the wage regulations of the Czech Academy of Sciences and work results)
- Flexible working hours, 5 weeks of vacation, home office, meals in the area, meal allowance, loans from the social fund, contribution to recreation or leisure activities of children, possibility to place children in a pre-school facility of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, possibility of parking in the area
Candidates should submit:
- curriculum vitae with list of publications,
- short (1 page maximum) proposal of their work
- copy of their PhD diploma
Contact person for queries regarding applications: RNDr. Miloslav Müller, Ph.D., e-mail muller@ufa.cas.cz
Applications should be sent to: postdocs@ufa.cas.cz
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2024
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces (in accordance with Act No. 283/1992 Coll. on the Czech Academy of Sciences, as amended by Act No. 420/2005 Coll., and the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences) a selection procedure for the following positions of Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy:
- Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences, geophysics, physical geography, physics, or other relevant disciplines, received in 2019 or later
- Demonstrated publication activity
- Experience in the relevant research field
- Active knowledge of the English language
The preferred topics include (but are not limited to) studies of:
- couplings in the atmosphere-ionosphere system, including impacts of atmospheric waves on ionospheric variability and travelling ionospheric disturbances, and impacts on radiowave propagation
- space weather and its influence on ionosphere and atmosphere
- dynamics of stratosphere and ozone, in particular with respect to long-term variations and trends
- contributions to development and testing of the model of the International reference Ionosphere (IRI)
- long-term trends in the stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere system
We offer:
- Start date: 1 November 2024 or later
- Full-time employment
- 2-year contract with a possibility of extension
- Supportive scientific community and a pleasant working environment
- Competitive financial compensation (salary placement according to the wage regulations of the Czech Academy of Sciences and work results)
- Flexible working hours, 5 weeks of vacation, home office, meals in the area, meal allowance, loans from the social fund, contribution to recreation or leisure activities of children, possibility to place children in a pre-school facility of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, possibility of parking in the area
Candidates should submit:
- curriculum vitae with list of publications,
- short (1 page maximum) proposal of their work
- copy of their PhD diploma
Contact person for queries regarding applications: RNDr. Jan Laštovička, DrSc., e-mail jla@ufa.cas.cz
Applications should be sent to: postdocs@ufa.cas.cz
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2024