National projects

Running projects Finished projects

GA ČR GA20-28560S, Driving mechanisms of extremes in reanalysis and climate models, 2020-2022, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Beranová, R., Lhotka, O., Martínková, M., Urban, A., Bešťáková, Z. description
MOST-20-04 - AV ČR - Bilaterální spolupráce, , 2020-2021, investigator (IAP): Popová Jana
MŠMT LTC19044, Modeling compound climate events in Central Europe, 2019-2022, investigator (IAP): Lhotka Ondřej, team: Pejchová Plavcová, E., Stryhal, J.,
GA19-03834S, Historical development of meteorological theories and terminology in the Czech Lands, 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Matúšek Miloš, Zacharov Petr description
GA ČR GA19-05011S, Spatial and temporal dynamics of hydrometeorological extremes in montane areas, 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Kašpar Marek, team: Müller, M., Bližňák, V., Kvak, R.
GA ČR GJ19-24425Y, High-impact winter weather in climate models, 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Pejchová Plavcová Eva, team: Stryhal, J., Urban, A., Lhotka, O. description
JSPS-19-05 - AV ČR Mobility plus, , 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MTA-19-03 - AV ČR - Mobility - Maďarsko, , 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Koucká Knížová Petra
GA ČR GA18-01969S, Atmospheric waves: dynamics and vertical coupling, 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Chum Jaroslav
GA18-05285S, EMIC emissinos in the magnetosphere, 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Grison Benjamin
GA ČR GA18-22125S, Modelling weather-to-human health links, 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan description
GA ČR GA18-01625S, The influence of greenhouse gases and another drivers on long-term trends in the stratosphere-mezosphere-termosphere-ionosphere systém, 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
SAV-18-04, Bilaterální spolupráce, Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS , , 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Chum Jaroslav
GA ČR GA18-15958S, Development of high-resolution spatial weather generator for use in present and future climate conditions, 2018-2020, investigator (IAP): Dubrovský Martin, team: Lhotka, O., spoluřešitel: Štěpánek, P. (ÚVGZ) description
GA17-23773S , Extremeness and predictability of precipitation events depending on their properties and atmospheric conditions, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Kašpar, M., Bližňák, V., Zacharov, P., Kvak, R.,
GA ČR GA17-07027S, Analysis of electromagnetic manifestations of thunderstorms using multi-point and multi-instrument ground-based and satellite measurements, 2017-2019, lead investigator: Kolmašová, I., investigator (IAP): Kolmašová Ivana
GA ČR GA17-07043S , Teleconnections - major building blocks of atmospheric circulation , 2017-2019, lead investigator: Huth Radan (PřF UK), investigator (IAP): Beranová Romana, team: Pokorná, L.
GA ČR GA17-08772S, Experimental and numerical analysis of wave particle interactions in the solar wind and magnetosheath, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Souček Jan
GJ17-06818Y, Heliospheric remote sensing and in situ observations applicable to space weather forecasting, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Krupař Vratislav
GA ČR GA17-06065S , Solar wind variations and their impact on magnetospheric dynamics, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Šimůnek Jiří
GA ČR GF17-33751L, Kinetic energy of rainfall as driving force of water erosion, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Talířová Chládová Zuzana, team: Fišer, O.,
GA ČR GA17-08857S, Plasma Interactions of Jovian Icy Moons, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Štverák Štěpán
OPPPR CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_023/0000117, , 2017-2018, investigator (IAP): Řezáčová Daniela, team: Zacharov, P., Bližňák, V., Sedlák, P., Pešice, P., Pop, L.
GA ČR GA16-04676S, Novel approaches to assessing climatic trends and their statistical significance, 2016-2018, lead investigator: Huth Radan (PřF UK), investigator (IAP): Dubrovský Martin, team: Pokorná, L.
MŠMT 7AMB16AT020, Development of a multi-site stochastic weather generator for use in snow-hydrological modelling, 2016-2017, investigator (IAP): Dubrovský Martin
GA ČR GA16-22000S, Spatial and temporal charakteristics of heat waves and cold spells in climate model simulations, 2016 - 2018, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
GA ČR GJ16-16050Y , , 2016 - 2018, investigator (IAP): Píša David
GC15-07281J , Phenomena coupling the neutral and ionized atmosphere, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Chum Jaroslav
GA ČR GA15-03909S , Scenario of long-term trends in the stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere system, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Križan P., Kozubek M.
GA ČR GA15-24688S , Variability of ionosphere and neutral atmosphere in midlatitudes, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Koucká Knížová Petra, team: Potužníková K., Mošna Z., Kouba D., Boška J.
MZE QJ1520265 , Variability of Short-term Precipitation and Runoff in Small Czech Drainage Basins and its Influence on Water Resources Management, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Bližňák, V., Kašpar, M.
MŠMT LH15304 , Implementation of the electromagnetic wave analyzer ELMAVAN for the RESONANCE satellite project, data analysis and interpretation, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MŠMT 7AMB15AR001 , Climate change effects on heat waves and their recurrence probabilities, 2015–2016, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
AV ČR Strategie AV21/3, , 2015-2021, investigator (IAP):
AV ČR Strategie AV21/4, , 2015-2020, investigator (IAP):
OPPK , , 2015, investigator (IAP): Štverák Štěpán, team: Arazimová Marta,Zacharov Petr
GA ČR. GA14-31899S , Satellite, balloon and ground-based measurements of electromagnetic manifestations of thunderstorms, 2014–2016, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MŠMT LH14194 , Development, manufacturing and calibration of DSS-LG sun sensor for BMSW-LG instrument for Luna-glob mission, 2014–2016, investigator (IAP): Vojta Jaroslav
GA ČR GA14-18675S , Advanced models of precipitation extremes and their applications in high-resolution climate model simulations, 2014–2016, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Rulfová, Z., Beranová, R.
GA ČR GA14-19376S , Driving of the Earth magnetosphere by ICMEs and CIRs, 2014–2016, investigator (IAP): Šimůnek Jiří
GA ČR GAP 13-09778P , Wave activity in the troposphere and ionosphere in the infrasonic range, 2013–2015, investigator (IAP): Šindelářová Tereza
GA ČR GA13-34856S , Advanced random field methods in data assimilation for short-term weather prediction, 2013-2016, investigator (IAP): Pešice Petr
GA ČR GP13-37174P , Study of the solar wind and its interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere by satellite-borne instruments, 2013-2015, investigator (IAP): Krupařová Oksana
MŠMT LD13036 , Atmospheric influence on free space optic links attenuation with regard to turbulences and wind impact, 2013-2015, investigator (IAP): Fišer Ondřej
MŠMT. LG13042 , , 2013-2015, investigator (IAP): Koucká Knížová Petra
UK v Praze, č. 851713 , , 2013-2014, investigator (IAP): Rulfová Zuzana
GA ČR GAP209/12/2394 , The role of low frequency plasma waves in large scale dynamics of planetary magnetospheres, 2012–2016, investigator (IAP): Souček Jan
GAP209/12/2440 , Troposphere-ionosphere coupling and its impact on ionospheric variability, 2012–2016, investigator (IAP): Obrazová (Burešová) Dalia
ESA , , 2012–2016, investigator (IAP): Souček Jan
AV ČR, M100421206 , , 2012–2015, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MŠMT. LH12230 , , 2012–2013, investigator (IAP): Vojta Jaroslav
LD12029 , Downscaling the Global Climate Models with use of the Stochastic Weather Generator, 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Dubrovský Martin
MŠMT LD12053 , Assessment of effects of solar variability on atmospheric circulation in reality and models, 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan
MŠMT LH12231 , Long-wavelength Electro-Magnetic Radiation Analyzer for the Luna-Glob mission (LEMRA-L), 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
COST ES1102 , , 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Dubrovský Martin
AV ČR. M100421201 , , 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
GA ČR. GPP209/12/P701 , , 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Zacharov Petr
GA ČR. GPP209/12/P811 , , 2012-2014, investigator (IAP):
COST. ES1005 , , 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
MŠMT. 7E12026 , , 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MŠMT 7E1202 , , 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Laštovička, J.
MŠMT. LD12070 , , 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
MŠMT. 7AMB12AR005 , , 2012-2013, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
MŠMT. 7AMB12AR018 , , 2012-2013, investigator (IAP): Obrazová (Burešová) Dalia
MŠMT. 7AMB12AR019 , , 2012-2013, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan, team: Novotná, D.
ESA , , 2011–2012, investigator (IAP): Souček Jan
GA ČR. GAP209/11/1985 , , 2011-2015, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
GAP209/11/2045 , , 2011-2015, investigator (IAP): Řezáčová Daniela, team: Zacharov, P.; Pešice, P.
GA ČR GAP209/11/2280 , Statistical study of quasi-periodic low-frequency wave emissions in the magnetosphere of the Earth, 2011-2015, investigator (IAP): Hajoš Mychajlo
COST IC1101 , , 2011-2015, investigator (IAP): Fišer Ondřej
TA ČR. TA01020592 10000, , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Sokol Zbyněk, team: Bartůňková K., Pešice P., Řezáčová D., Chládová Z., Kerum J., Fišák J.
MŠMT. LD11044 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Řezáčová Daniela, team: Bližňák, V.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Zacharov, P.
MŠMT. LH11122 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MŠMT. LH11123 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Truhlík Vladimír
GA ČR. GAP209/11/1908 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Obrazová (Burešová) Dalia
GA ČR. GAP209/11/2405 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan, team: Pokorná, L.
TA ČR. TA01031509 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Sokol Zbyněk, team: Bližňák V., Sedlák P., Pešice P., Chládová Z., Zacharov P., Fišer O., Hošek J., Řezáčová D.
Evropský sociální fond a MŠMT ČR. CZ.1.07./2.3.00/20.0086 , , 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Rulfová Zuzana
MŠMT. LG11032 , , 2011-2013, investigator (IAP): Truhlík Vladimír
GA ČR. GAP102/11/1376 , , 2011-2013, investigator (IAP): Fišer Ondřej
ESA , , 2011-2012, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
Galileo Supervising Authority (GSA)/ 7. rámcovy program EU. MŠMT. 7E10032 , , 2010–2012, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Boška J., Kouba D., Obrazová (Burešová) D., Mošna Z.
GA ČR. GAP205/10/2279 , , 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
GA ČR. GAP209/10/1792 , , 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
GA ČR. GAP209/10/2265 , , 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Beranová, R.
GA ČR. GAP209/11/1990 , , 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Kašpar Marek
COST. ES0905 , , 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Řezáčová Daniela, team: Bližňák, V.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Zacharov, P.
GA ČR. GAP209/10/2045 , , 2010-2013, lead investigator: Picek Jan (TUL), investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Rulfová, Z., Beranová, R.
MŠMT. ME10001 , , 2010-2012, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
MŠMT. ME10077 , , 2010-2012, investigator (IAP): Križan Peter
GA ČR. GAP209/10/2086 , , 2010-2012, investigator (IAP): Truhlík Vladimír, team: Podolská K.,
EU. MŠMT. 7E10048 , , 2010-2012, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej
EU 7E10032 , , 2010-2012, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
COST. IC0802 , , 2009–2012, investigator (IAP): Fišer Ondřej, team: Chládová, Z.; Fišák, J.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Svoboda, J.
GA ČR. GA205/09/0170 , , 2009-2013, investigator (IAP): Šimůnek Jiří
GA ČR. GA205/09/1253 , , 2009-2013, investigator (IAP): Chum Jaroslav
GA ČR. GA205/09/1918 , , 2009-2013, lead investigator: Fišák, J., investigator (IAP):
SCOSTEP , , 2009-2013, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Koucká-Knížová P., Križan P.
MŠMT LA09015, IAGA activities support, 2009-2012, investigator (IAP): Koucká Knížová Petra
MŠMT. ME09033 , , 2009-2012, investigator (IAP): Sokol Zbyněk, team: Pešice P.