Measurements at Kopisty observatory

Since its establishment, standard climatological observations have been performed at the observatory, since 1978 routine synoptic measurements have been carried out every three hours and sent to an international exchange network. Since 2000, the observatory has been equipped with an automatic meteorological station from Vaisala. Measurements of air temperature at 2 m and 5 cm, relative humidity, wind direction and speed, length of sunlight, soil temperatures at depths of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 cm, total precipitation and air pressure are automatically archived. Present weather detector PWD52 for visibility measurements as well as CL51 ceilometer for boundary layer sounding and cloud base measurements have been installed in the observatory.

Meteorological mast at kopisty observatory (foto V. Vozka)

Experimental measurements at the observatory are mainly focused to the boundary layer of the atmosphere. Kopisty is the oldest working mast station in the Czech Republic together with Tušimice station near Kadaň. It is equipped with an 80 m high mast for measuring vertical wind, temperature and humidity profiles. Measurements are performed on four floors at heights of 20, 40, 60 and 80 meters. In 2014, thanks to the CzechGlobe project, the mast was equipped with 3D sonic anemometers by Metek, that measure flow in both horizontal and vertical directions. In the past, water samples from various types of precipitation were collected at the Kopisty observatory. In terms of Lake Most project, measurements and sampling of airborne dust performed by Brown Coal Research Institute also took place here.