RNDr. Marek Kašpar, Ph.D.

Department:  Department of Meteorology
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +420 272 016 039
Room: 109


  • 19921997 Master program at the Mathematical and Physical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, branch Physics; thesis: “Potential and moist symmetric instability in the atmosphere” (MSc.);
  • 19972001 Postgraduate studies at the Mathematical and Physical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, branch Meteorology and Climatology; thesis: “Evolution of cloud and rain bands in the atmosphere” (Ph.D.);
  • 2001 Rigorosum (RNDr. – Rerum Naturalium Doctor).

Employment and academic experience:

  • since 1996 Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • external lecturer: Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University; Department of Atmospheric Physics, Mathematical and Physical Faculty, Charles University;
  • member of the Board for State Doctoral Examinations at the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University;
  • thesis supervisor.

Professional interest:

  • evaluation of weather extremes in view of their return period, affected area, and duration and the analysis of their circulation causes;
  • evaluation of the spatial variability of heavy rains and the spatial variability of the characteristic courses of precipitation intensities during them;
  • active member of the terminological group of the Czech Meteorological Society managing the Electronic Meteorological Glossary.

Other info:

  • The Josef Hlávka award of the Hlávka foundation and the Czech Literary Foundation for the best Czech monograph in natural sciences in 2007: Řezáčová, D., Novák, P., Kašpar, M., Setvák, M., 2007: Physics of clouds and precipitation. Academia Praha, 576 pp. ISBN 978-80-200-1505-1.
  • 2011–2022 deputy head of the department, 2013–2017 member of the Evaluation Panel P209 “Astronomy and astrophysics, atmospheric physics, meteorology, climatology, and hydrology, physical geography” of the Czech Science Foundation, 2012–2016 member of the Institute Board.


